How We Work
We invest the money we raise to provide BUVs to mission groups, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit organizations. We also work to partner with business people abroad in order to start BUV factories. Learn about our approach, solutions, and our partners on the ground.
Our Progress
We’re passionate about providing transport solutions to fight poverty around the world. Often characterized as “poverty busters”, our BUVs are helping to change lives by improving quality of life. Here are some highlights since our work started.
Where We Work
BUVs operate in 35 countries – primarily in Africa and Latin America. Lack of mobility, poverty, political stability and strong partner organizations all play a part in where we work. We love to provide rural communities with their first vehicle. We love to provide BUVs to entrepreneurs also.

Success Stories
Our time in the field gives us a personal view on what a simple vehicle can do to bless a village. The mothers, children, and communities that we’ve met inspire our ideas and solutions. Every one of them has a story worth sharing.
The Future is Bright
A BUV factory is an economic driver for communities. Factories employ workers to build and service the vehicles. Vehicles can then be sold and used to start transport businesses for even more people. The benefits trickle down throughout the entire community. Every country in Africa should have a BUV factory.